30 August, 2006


Ah, the joys of jetlag!
Please be patient with me - I am still trying to get sorted here.
Rest assured my dears, we made it back and I will post soon.

p.s. The Nightmare, 1781, Henry Fuseli - Beautiful, no?


Blogger Cynthia Rae said...

I just found your blog through the expats blog site. I had to laugh when I read what you wrote about peanut butter. I ALWAYS have to drag a jar or two (or three) with me when I return to Italy.

Looking forward to reading more!

8/31/2006 7:14 p.m.  
Blogger Do said...

Thanks for dropping by, Cynthia!
I've been on the expat trail for a little over 5 years - 4.5 in Germany, about 6 months here in Italy. I'd hate to add up how much peanut butter, chili mix and cold medicine I've brought back! The list seems to get shorter the longer I'm here, but there are some things that a girl just can't live without. :)

9/05/2006 9:50 a.m.  

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